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olor. color.

  • Smell Colour. Chemistry, Art and Pedagogy


    TITLE: Olfactory Collections

    EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: Family groups

    LED BY: Les Salonnières

    DURATION: 90 minutes

    PARTICIPANTS: Maximum 25

    NECESSARY SPACE: Exhibition venue



    The educational proposal for this exhibition seeks to stimulate reflection on two key themes:

    – the senses (especially sight and smell)

    – the methods of archiving works of art

    Our aim here is to reflect on how we use our five senses and what role they play in artistic creation.

    In addition, we hope to bring the participants into closer contact with different forms of collecting and archiving art. How do we organise an archive of artworks? What systems of classification can we use?


    Smell is a sense that is often neglected in the process of artistic creation, with the emphasis generally being on the eye, but visual images can engender sensations, memories and experiences that often evoke scents and smells.

    In this workshop we will relate the two senses in order to understand how they interact and experience in the first person processes that allow us to link art with our own sensory and personal experiences.

    In addition, if we bear in mind that a collection is a personal archive based on the subjective criteria of the collector, we can classify art in many ways: according to period, authorship, movement, discipline, genre and so on. On the basis of this concept of archive we will explore different ways of classifying art.


    The workshop is structured on the basis of different dynamics, which are articulated around the idea of ​​the game.

    We will work in pairs and with the participatory dynamics of the whole group.

    There will also be an experimental component which will explore the senses of smell and sight.