The Perfumer’s Palette


Neither smells nor colours exist. Simply, there are particles, atoms and molecules that can create certain reactions in the environment, which the brain interprets. Just as in the visual
world colours are ordered according to the Pantone scale, in the olfactory sphere smells are organized in a periodic table derived from that of the chemical elements. Perfumers and aromists communicate in a language of their own, consisting of so-called olfactory notes. Each olfactory note is represented by a colour,
which helps in the creative process of composition: the smell, which is chemical in nature, is constituted by means of colour, a physical reality of the wavelengths of light. We can say that the olfactory notes are for the creator of essences the same as the palette of colours for the visual artist.

Some correspondences:

RED: passion, love and also violence of blood. It is used in perfumery to characterize colonies serious, sophisticated perfumes.

BLUE: relaxing, denoting sweetness, freshness, joy and nobility. Typical in marine fragrances.

GREEN: associated with budding vegetation, it commonly symbolizes nature, life and growth. Used in colognes with natural components for young people.

WHITE: romanticism, wisdom, purity and cleanliness. Used in beauty products and toiletries.

BLACK: sadness and elegance. It is related to alcohol-based perfumes.

YELLOW: the sun, light and youth. Family colognes are usually of this hue. Its variant, gold, symbolizes luxury and power.