Christian SERY
master strip green
DIMENSIONS: 90 x 15 x 60 cm
TECHNICAL: pigment on ruben and frame

Text for the collection Olor Visual
Smells ./. Memories ./. Images
Memory of the present
(in memory of the present of that time)
Smell – smells
Memory – memories
Smells recall
Smells form images
Olfactory memory
Smells evoke images
Smell / image
The images produce the smells of the memory of past eras
Smells of now and of yesterday are embodied in images and imaginations
Smells provoke fantasies
Images are associated with smells
Smells are associated with images
The past becomes the present and the present is at the same time past
Smells recall memories
In recalling memories, memories recall smells
Smells recall the circumstances of the images
In memory of images and imaginations, images and fragments
Smells evoke fantasies bursting with imagination
Images evoke fantasies in the imagination that convey smells
Smells are as sticky as they are volatile
Smells are like putty, they join the past and today
Smells are united with images, in the mind they recall
The memory of
The then recorded in the memory with smells in relation to… images
The then recorded in the memory with images in relation to… smells
The today marked by smells in relation to the past
The today marked with images in relation to the past
In memory of the present of that time
Smell and images of a much earlier time recovered in the current time
The now that makes us miss and long for the past
causing the smell and the images of very ancient times to return to the present
The now that the past yearns for
though the past silences the present
In the now there emerges a moment of smell that launches us back into the past; when the moment reappears an association is manifested in the image
The now is manifested in the moment of yesterday
Once the smell is lost the image too is lost
manifested in the sense of being
from Christian (Sery)
April - May 2011- essential art.