cantos del campello
DIMENSIONS: 97 x 32 x 32 cm.
TECHNICAL: video-sculpture. white structure, monitor, DVD reader. digital sound video
DURATION: 2'07''

A vertical cuboid and inside it at the back the image of a portion of the seashore in movement.
In this piece Paloma Navares plays with contraries: a container and the uncontainable, the secret and the visible, absence and presence.
The spectator leans forward, looks, discovers; is involved. This way of addressing the work presupposes desire, a gaze eroticized by knowledge and curiosity. In the interior the foam rises to cover the pebbles set in the sand, metaphor of the individual. Fine strands of seaweed evoke the sea bottom, the secret, the unconscious. We hear the rhythm of the water, we sense by its absence the smell of the sea. The foam inundates everything and then recedes. It will return in a continuous loop… the passing of time.
If Boris Vian used the sea foam as a subtle metaphor of the unfolding sequence of the days, Navares situates it in a space-time of absences. A place of lack, loaded with meanings.
Valentín Ferrero
April - May 2011- essential art.