
  • YEAR: 2002
    DIMENSIONS: variables size
    TECHNICAL: dvd
    EDITION: 3/6
    DURATION: 2'
  • With Polyglot we witness the dance of a set of books, books that move through an indeterminate space to a rhythm unannounced but elegant and graceful, while we hear the hum of different intermingled tongues that end up being unintelligible, though they create a murmur pleasant and harmonious to our ears. These books of various colours are different aromas that combine with one another in a thousand possible ways to create fragrances never before imagined. This movement invokes the volatility of odours by its lightness, as well as its constant presence in everything around us. Just as the books contain the essence of knowledge, the aromas enclose the essence of the cosmos. The books also refer us to a world of memories, lived and imagined, just as smells transport us back to moments of the past, to childhood, to the origin. Alicia Martin

  • Exhibitions

    May 2013
    - mini-screening olfativo