out of scene
DIMENSIONS: 100 x 130 cm
TECHNICAL: series of 4 images c-print Fuji color, crystal archive paper mounted in aluminium laminated
EDITION: only piece

Indeed, smell is a very interesting part of our perceptual and cognitive understanding of life. It is wonderful how any smell can elevate our senses from one experience to another. I used to have a very good sense of smell as well. Some few years ago I got a severe cold and unfortunately my sense of smell has never been the same. Anyway, I still would say that Out of Scene do reminds me of the smell of a breezing early winter rain, a rain that turns your nose red and makes you switch between sensing your own steamed body temperature and the wet air of a dust-free city, it is also the smell that contains iron and echoes the wet and yellow leaves cluttered on the ground from the autumn trees.
The smell is moving with the drama of a rainstorm, fresh, intense and promising, still it is a smell that highly contains memory of time passing by.
Ann Lislegaard
- esencias8- essències10
- electric and Distant. colección olorVISUAL Contemporary Photography