Carlos BUNGA
DIMENSIONS: 28,2 x 21 x 5 cm
TECHNICAL: cardboard, wood and Paint
MODE: escultura

- n. Impression produced by light rays reflected by a body onto the retina of the eye: the c(olour)odour of the skin.
- Pigment or other substance with which colour is applied: lip c(olour)odour.
- The arrangement and intensity of the c(olours)odours, c(oloured)odoured: the c(olour) odour of a picture.
- Timbre or tonal quality of a sound: the c(olour)odour of her voice.
- Peculiar or distinctive character of a thing or style: a description rich in c(olour)
- A shade of political opinion or ideology: a government of a single c(olour) odour.
- pl. Symbols and c(olours)odours characteristic of a sporting association or club, which appear on its flag or emblems and, by extension, the association or club itself: defending their c(olours) odours.
- to give c(olour) to something. To paint it.
Carlos Bunga