Chakaia BOOKER
time out
DIMENSIONS: 78,7 x 106,6 x 40,6 cm.
TECHNICAL: pneumatic tyre and wood
MODE: escultura

Industrial, residential and agricultural, as well as natural smells permeate our society and evoke visual impressions and thoughts of metaphorical and ideological expressions about our day to day life experiences.
Responding equally to the sweet scents and the natural and manmade drenched aromas from our present and past experiences in the privacy of our own ideas, we tend to recreate pictorial and abstract thoughts. The smells help us recreate infinite dialogues and recurring scenarios of form and contoured shapes, sensual and provocative images. The odours come from natural objects or objects designed for or from a manufacture’s concept; exploited by consumer detritus, then scavenged, and collected by artists and reconstructed into multi-scented works of art.
Chakaia Booker
- IMPACT!- essential art.
- smell of Málaga. Olfactory Perceptions of the colección olorVISUAL
- the fragrance of images
- the fragrance of images (touring exhibition)