wrapped flowers
DIMENSIONS: 71 x 40,6 x 15,2 cm.
TECHNICAL: plastic flowers, polyethylene and rope
MODE: escultura

What are these flames hurled
Across a divided world?
Wings descended
From a sculpture of invisibility
Joining earth
In flowers that provoke the wind.
Where will these blue and yellow embers unite
In the explosion of their garden’s flight?
Children grope
In the suspension
Of their unveiled laughter,
Lovers are absorbed
In the vestment of perpetuity,
Shadows burn racing rivers
In the brilliance
Of their speechless wake,
Before a sky
Roaming, Kneeling
Within reach of man’s shelter.
Cyril Christo
- Smell colour. Chemistry, art and education- SINESTESIA. colección olorVISUAL
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- Smell Of Alella Vines
- the fragrance of images
- the fragrance of images (touring exhibition)