la ginesta, la tramuntana i l'olor
DIMENSIONS: 82 x 102 cm
TECHNICAL: oil on canvas

Process on the Basis of a Re-encountered Smell
1 Situation
2 Sensations
3 Elements
4 Composition
1 A June morning. In the window of the room open to the mountain—where Sant Pere de Roda stands out in sharp silhouette or is shadow in shadow—the smell awakens, incites the eye.
2 The squall twists and shifts, spreading scents of drenched earth and clean stone that penetrate and slowly—gradually—distil sweetness—yellow of broom, cool green of tender pine needles, sharp notes—honeyed with resin and pungent, intense white—marine green—silver grey, frosted, from the sea. Nostrils and respiration expand and the skin opens to the wet freshness: breath of childhood and memory is cleanly outlined in the smell of a precise moment.
The eye, inside and out, is filled with colour, movement, form, and the persistent sounds incite it to seek on the balcony of the other façade, the other instant, in which the open sea withdraws into the bay of Port.
3 Space. Time. Movement. Colours. Smells.
4 The process of analysis and synthesis, impression and rationalization are closed in the composition of: ‘The broom, the tramuntana north wind and the smell.’
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