olor de separar
DIMENSIONS: 100 x 70 cm
TECHNICAL: photography on wood
EDITION: only piece

The object stops being itself to be other, part of the background that breaks away to become a strange figure in an alloy of parts that break away to become a strange figure in an alloy of parts that break away.
Object that seeks to make sense to its surroundings by explaining it with its smell a strange mixture of the inner pith of an orange skin and the aroma given off by certain chemical products used for cleaning, mixed up with glue. The smell of the parts does not explain the smell of the whole, I cannot remember how the whole smelled, I cannot remember how the object smelled, I can imagine how the studio smelled, as time goes by the pieces have lost their aroma, in the box where I keep them, a certain smell of paint and soap took possession of the verb ‘to separate’ to shed its skin.
- esencias8- essential art.