small relative I
DIMENSIONS: 55 x 56 x 42 cm.
TECHNICAL: wood and painting

The small is big was an artistic slogan of the nineties. Txomin Badiola, one of the most interesting minimalists in the Basque Country, called this work “Small relative I” or “Relatively small I” in 1992.
A confessed Oteiza follower and with an already consistent and coherent work of his own, he claims the importance of the small space in itself profane and sacred at the same time, with its natural colour and smell of chest wood and industrial plywood, with its crossbreeding between painting and sculpture, the image and the emptiness, the colour, the smell, the taste and the touch everything in one. It reminds me of the physical emptiness more than of the metaphysical one and brings to me the smell of the chest trees in spring and of the design and do-it-yourself shops in winter The art work is sober, hermetic, refined and cultivated.
- Smell colour. Chemistry, art and education- esencias5
- esencias9
- essències10
- SINESTESIA. colección olorVISUAL