si yo supiera a qué se debe...(2) día
DIMENSIONS: 113 x 150 cm
TECHNICAL: photography on aluminum
EDITION: 1/3 + 2 AP
MODE: fotografia

If I knew why it is … / Wenn ich nur wüsste woran das liegt… (2).
Year 2005. Teufelssee. Berlin
Lately I live things, things happen to me that …
… if I knew to what they are due… maybe I would do something about them?
Smell and Psyche: psychological factors can play a certain role in the perception of them; disorientation, loneliness, cold, damp … important to take into account the temperature and Mood, our geographical location. We are many things depending on where we are.
Smell is in all that is visual:
Smell (v. Perceive) – Perceive (v. Conceive) – Feel (v. Perceive) … Lose oneself
Smell (v. Perceive)
The odorous fields remain. [Berrueza, Amenities, c. 1]
They take out the things that cannot be seen by the smell. [Torres, Moral Phil., 1.20, c. 7]
I feel an amber colour that comforts my soul. [Espinel, Maras de Obregón, desc.8]
That resulted in an intolerable smell that tormented the breathing. [Solís, Hist. of Mexico 5, 25]
Perceive (v. Conceive)
Contemplate forms without matter. [Quevedo, La Provid., tr1]
Distinguish the sweet from the bitter. [Rivadeneira, Pentecontés]
Feel (v. Perceive)
He suffers from fleeting impressions and inequalities, at times cold and at times hot. [Id., ibid., p. 103]
This touched my soul. [Boscán, El Cost., 12]
So great is the dread and sadness that consumes me. [Núñez, Empr. 4]
Lose oneself
It is misguided. [Quevedo, Politics of God]
We will lose sight, we do not know where they are going. [Cáceres, Psalm 1, f.3]