Joana CERA
s/t - serie dibujar
DIMENSIONS: 28 x 22 x 16 cm
TECHNICAL: amazonit and lapis lazuli
It emanates effluvia of aromatic scents of essences of fragrances that we still cannot smell because it is like looking at your hand full of seeds of different species and not knowing what you have in your hands, all alike and all different, they need to pass through odourless water and smelly earth for this deeply repressed smell to burst forth.
This piece, untitled, reminds me of the water that runs across spaces and wets it finds without choosing perfumes, seeking the earth in which to transplant seeds from other totally unknown places.
You make things to lose sight of them and someone else collects them to keep them, so to speak, the strange reasons for what we choose to keep are found in the secret reasons for what we make. Making or choosing, the reasons remain secret and strange even if they are told.
Joana Cera, March 2006
March - May 2018- the need for the infinite. Monochromes in colección olorVISUAL