extractos de permutación # 2
DIMENSIONS: 101 x 70 x 10 cm
TECHNICAL: sculpted photographic prints
EDITION: unique
MODE: fotografia

The sum of different layers of the work points both to absence and to presence. Or it translates the certainty of the encounter, which always implies an irremediable parallel loss.
A space is the intersection of multiple times and places. I wonder, how does one manage to reflect all the places that have been? How to translate the multiple layers of a surface that is never just one surface?
The place seems exhausted, but I stop to observe it, to smell it and listen to it. The sounds of its fall appear as in a successive network; sounds that in turn reconfigure the construction and then the house is drawn as a fragment. From the fragment a memory can be salvaged, accompanied by the persistence of its smells. And smells allow us at last to remember. When remembering is a sum of blurred images it is only possible to try to complete by superimposed layers.
Leyla Cárdenas
May 2015