otro cuerpo
DIMENSIONS: 90 x 110 cm.
TECHNICAL: photograph on polyester paper. cibachrome.

All my other bodies, created digitally on the basis of photographs of my own skin, set out to make the spectator wonder whether these organisms, half way between body and object, could exist in an age of so many advances in science in general and in genetics in particular. Though each of them is open in its implications, each one has for me some concrete reference.
In this case I set out to create a body of the era of transgenic foods that would suggest a fruit.
A fruit of human skin and flesh could be a blend of many smells, because every fruit has its own characteristic smell and so, too, has each human being. But this fruit smells of the human body and that is a smell that, nowadays, it is necessary to get right up close to in order to perceive it well and differentiate one from another. And it is not easy to get near enough to a fruit to see at close quarters each of its hairs and the pores of its skin.
Mario de Ayguavives
- IMPACT!- Smell colour. Chemistry, art and education
- electric and Distant. colección olorVISUAL Contemporary Photography